Reduced the feeder priority of the Help Fight Childhood Cancer

Zaczęty przez mimeq, 14 Luty 2012, 12:13


CytatWe have reduced the feeder priority of the Help Fight Childhood Cancer project as we are nearing the end of target-8. This means that users with multiple project selected are less likely to get HFCC work units, however users with only HFCC selected should continue to get work units without interruption. The next target is estimated to be available in May (this is only an estimate) and by reducing the feeder priority, users with only HFCC selected will continue to get work units for a longer period of time.


Skutkiem tego będzie przybliżenie terminu ukończenia projektu HCC i odsuniecie terminu ukończenia projektu HFCC.
Ostatnio obydwa estymowano podobnie na około 30 dni do końca.